
Bladsvampe – midler og doseringer

402-2021, Anne Lisbet Hansen, NBR


Rust and late powdery mildew have been dominant leaf diseases in three field trials 2021, where different strategies with Amistar Gold, Comet Pro and Propulse are studied.
On average, the last many years of field trials, two fungicide treatments have resulted in 12 per cent yield increase and a net income of DKK 1,500 per ha. Among currently approved fungicide treatments in beets that have been included in this year’s trials, two treatments with 0.3 liters of Comet Pro per ha have led to 18 per cent yield increase and approx. DKK 2,900 per ha in net income. The highest net yields have been obtained where 0.5 liter of Amistar Gold and 0.5 liter of Propulse are mixed and applied twice, respectively, where treated twice with 0.6 liter Comet Pro per ha followed by 0.5 liter Amistar Gold per ha. In one trial with late lifting, increased yields are measured with three applications in comparison to two applications. Addition of Thiopron to Amistar Gold improves the effect against mildew. The addition of Mantus has not been able to increase the effect of Comet Pro. Again in 2021, there are indications of resistance to strobilurin in powdery mildew, and resistance should be prevented.