
Strategier til ukrudtsbekæmpelse i sukkerroer

505-2021, Mikkel Nilars, NBR


In three field trials, weed control strategies are investigated. In this year there has generally been a very good effect of all herbicide treatments, which makes the differences between the strategies in this year’s trials relatively small. The cold and wet weather in May caused a lot of phytotoxic damage to the beets where Centium has been used. However, the results show that it has had a minimal (not significant) effect on the yield. Strategies without Betanal and Betanal Power show lower effect than strategies with. In the trials, it appears that part of this lost effect could have been offset by the use of Centium before and / or after emergence. The good effect has been helped by the weather, which this year has been optimal for Centium’s efficacy. In this year’s trial there have been a few strategies without Safari – there has been no significant difference between strategies with and without Safari. It should be noted that in the trials there have been no OSR or other of the species against which Safari usually has a particularly good effect.